{Carrer web log}
Banned by the search engines!?
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 { 2 Comments }
It is the ultimate search engine marketing nightmare: Your site has been removed from Google's index and your traffic is falling.read more | digg story
Planned Improvements in MySQL 5.1
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 { 0 Comments }
This article looks ahead to the improvements you can expect in MySQL 5.1. These include triggers, user variables, and other features.link to article
PHP5 function benchmarks
Monday, May 22, 2006 { 0 Comments }
PHP has a lot of functions that produce identical results (eg. ereg vs preg_match). Ever wondered which ones are fastest? Use the right ones and speed up your code.read more | digg story
Search engine optimization and submission resources
Friday, May 19, 2006 { 0 Comments }
Very nice list of: SEO sites, search engines, Promotion, SEO directories, SEO Newsletters, SEO Ebooks, Website optimization tools …read more | digg story
the line-up
One nice photo by FlickrMySQL Cheat Sheet
Thursday, May 18, 2006 { 0 Comments }
A fantastic quick reference sheet for when you are working with MySQL from the command line.read more | digg story
Going After Google
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 { 0 Comments }
Can anybody overtake Google?read more | digg story
ASP.NET, PHP, COLD FUSION MX, JSP. Who is the best? See Google Trends.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 { 2 Comments }
"With Google Trends, you can compare the world's interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they've been searched for on Google over time. Google Trends also displays how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and which geographic regions have searched for them most often." by GoogleWho is the best see yourself!
Whole world:
ASP.NET,PHP,COLD FUSION MX,JSP - All Regions - Google Trends
United States:
ASP.NET,PHP,COLD FUSION MX,JSP - United States - Google Trends
United Kingdom:
ASP.NET,PHP,COLD FUSION MX,JSP - United Kingdom - Google Trends
ASP.NET,PHP,COLD FUSION MX,JSP - Germany - Google Trends
ASP.NET,PHP,COLD FUSION MX,JSP - Italy - Google Trends
Introduction to the Flex 2 Development Platform
This offer is brought to you by your personal Surf Sidekick. For more info visit SurfSidekick.com: "With the release of Flex 2, Adobe delivers an impressive set of tools and technologies that enable developers to create powerful, scalable Web applications faster and easier than ever before. In this article we'll take a look at the main constituents of the Flex 2 development platform, including the Flex Framework and SDK 2, Flex Builder 2, Flash Player 9, and Flex Data Services 2."GridView: TemplateField Control
Monday, May 15, 2006 { 2 Comments }
ASP.NET Tutorial: "GridView controls such as BoundField, ImageFieldand and HyperLinkField can be used only to display a named data field from the data source. However, a GridView also can contain columns of data that do not appear in the data source. For instance, you may wish to include a column of calculated values. The displayed values are not contained in the data source, although they may be derived from fields in the data source. To display data values that are not data fields, ancamera lucida (part two)
"That the Photograph is 'modern,' mingled with our noisiest everday life, does not keep it from having an enigmaitc point of inactuality, a strange stasis, the stasis of an arrest".(Roland Barthes)
Using the New GridView Control in ASP.NET 2.0
Using the New GridView Control in ASP.NET 2.0: "Of all the improvements made in the release of ASP.NET 2.0, the most important by far is the ability to let the controls perform most of the work for you. Learn how declaratively configuring the new GridView control allows you to get more work done with less code! "Ajax RSS reader
Ajax RSS reader: "Learn how to build an Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) Really Simple Syndication (RSS) reader, as well as a Web component that you can place on any Web site to look at the articles in the RSS feeds."10 reasons why to use Blogger!
Monday, May 08, 2006 { 3 Comments }
- It’s Free.
- It’s Simple.
- It’s Google stuff.
- It’s probably biggest blogging reality.
- Your blog is by default indexed by Google.
- You don't need to worry about bandwidth.
- You can use “Blog This!” and take stories and pictures from another site like flickr.com; digg.com; etc .
- You can also use “Blog This!” from Google Toolbar.
- Another interesting thing Microsoft Word add-in for posting your articles or you can send e-mail with your article at your secret publishing e-mail address.
- Consider the option of earning money with AdSense, AdSense is integrated with Blogger.
The Ultimate Web Developer's Handbook - now redesigned
The Web Developer's Handbook is an extensive resource for web site developers with information on CSS, Ajax, Web 2.0, Design, XHTML, Accessibility, SEO and related topics. Now finally redesigned.read more | digg story
Web 2.0 recipes with PHP + DHTML
Friday, May 05, 2006 { 1 Comments }
Full simple code examples for dynamic elements for your web apps, including: Ad boxes, Pop-ups, Spinners, and Tabs. (ways to show and hide content on the page)read more | digg story
Convert HTML to PDF with PHP
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 { 1 Comments }
Handy for PHP developers looking to generate PDFs from their HTML content: dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter written entirely in PHP5. It has no dependencies on external libraries (e.g. html2ps) and it supports CSS 2.1.read more | digg story
windows on the sky
Tuesday, May 02, 2006 { 1 Comments }
Very very beautiful picture!Storing PHP Sessions in a Database
While the default session storage mechanism is adequate for many PHP developers, you might find yourself wanting to modify its behavior from time to time. One of the most common reasons for wanting to change the default behavior is to store sessions in a database rather than the filesystem.read more | digg story
10 tips to destroy your website
This is a guide on how to make your website a total mess. It gives you 10 tips to make your site a design mess. This truely is the way to stop anyone coming to your website.read more | digg story
About Me <<<
Name: Vladimir Carrer
vladocar [at] gmail.com
Location: Verona, Italy
I'm a web designer, developer, teacher, speaker, generally web addicted ...
My projects <<<
- AI Prompt Directory
- Hand Drawn Icons
- Font Design Inspiration
- Font Pairings
- Free SVG Cut File
- Upcoming NFT projects
- Discord Tutorials
- Free Sublimation Designs
- Tech Feed
- MySQL Lite Administrator
- Quark Mini PHP CMS
- Formy - CSS Form Framework
- Emastic - CSS Framework
- Malo - CSS Library
- The Golden Grid
- 1 line CSS Grid Framework
- Two Lines CSS Framework
- Child Selector System - CSS Framework
- Better Web Readability Project
- Azbuka - CSS Typographical Base Rendering Library
- ClipR - bookmarklet for better reading
- CSS3 Action Framework
- CSS Mini Reset
- HTML5 Mini Template
- CSS Mobile Reset
- picoCSS - JavaScript Framework
- HTML Lorem Ipsum Crash Test
- Object Auto Documentation - JavaScript
- o - JS Library for Object Manipulation
- Foxy - CSS Framework
- Tumblr Free Theme - Better Readability Project
- Box - CSS Framework
- nanoJS - Minimal JS DOM Library
- Flexy CSS Framework
- Katana is CSS Layout System made with Flexbox
- Micro CSS Reset
- 60 Grid System
- Simple CSS Button
- ramd.js JavaScript library for making web applications.
- Minimal Notes web app build with Vue.js
- Scribble Font for Prototyping & Wireframing
- Flex One - 1 CSS Class System
- Floaty - CSS Float Based Layout System
- Infinity CSS Grid
- CLI Convert websites into readable PDFs
- keywords-extract - CLI tool, extract keywords from any web page.
- screenshoteer - Make website screenshots and mobile emulations from the command line.
- Basic.css - Classless CSS Starter File
§§Previous Posts <<<
- GPT-3 and CSS Frameworks
- Don’t use CSS Reset use CSS Set
- One Page 2020 Calendar Print Version
- 3 CLI tools based on Node.js
- Scribble Font for Prototyping & Wireframing
- ramd.js - Small JavaScript library for making TODO...
- Katana.scss - CSS Layout System made with Flexbox
- Flexy CSS Framework
- nanoJS - JavaScript for DOM manipulation
§Archives <<<
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