{Carrer web log}
Handcrafted CSS + HTML Grid Calendar 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 { 9 Comments }
Some time ago I saw this link Best of Calendar Design (via CSSGlobe) and I decided to make some experiments with css and grids in order to make CSS Grid Calendar for 2009. First I started to experiment with excel and in the end the result was: Google spreadsheetI had two problems: the names of the days were in Italian and all the dates were taking too much vertical space. The solution: no names, no dates - just numbers. The numbers are universal. As a reference I took Sunday. It’s bold.

After some usability critics of my colleges I decided to change the concept and to add Monday to Sunday and I to XII. The result:

And you can download The Grid Calendar (zip)
Is it time to move beyond 960? Not yet
Friday, April 24, 2009 { 7 Comments }
Yesterday Cameron Moll in his post asked – "Is it time to move beyond 960?"Probably not yet.
Because there are still around 40% of users using 1024px monitors. We can NOT ignore that fact.
Maybe after few years when very big majority will have 1280 or bigger monitor then we can think about changing the 960px who has become standard for fixed design.
What will be the number new number to replace 960px?
I already said two months ago in my "The Golden Grid" post.
The number is 1200px
The number 1200 is divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,16,20,24,25,30 …
Also this number can generate clear and more compressible numbers like (100px for 12 column, 75px for 15 columns, 200px for 6 columns)
Look at this table
This means you can generate symmetrical web site with 4 columns(4 X 300px) or asymmetrical with 3 columns (3 X 400px) or 30 columns(30 x 40px).
You will probably say: But who needs 30 columns web site? Is it 1200px just to big?
You are right 1200px Is very big, but only if you are using 12px font!
Oliver Reichenstein and Wilson Miner sad before me Internet is not a Book!
We can finally drop 12px as standard and use 16px like default .
Also 1200px can open new forms of multi column grid design. More space can be used for more columns.
I’m not saying that then we all should switch to bigger fonts and grid design I’m saying don’t be afraid to change and experiment with new things.
Panta rei os potamòs
Twitter Compressor
Thursday, April 16, 2009 { 1 Comments }
How much time you needed just one more character when you tweet? Always when I must transmit something important at twitter it is always more than 140 characters. Damn Murphy Laws!Solution/s?
The solution is simple: Capitalization and Compression
RT @ArthurRimbaud: And everything grows, and everything rises!
RT @ArthurRimbaud: AndEverythingGrows,AndEverythingRises!
Yes this solution will not produce pretty readable text, but if we have a tiny url (who doesn’t tell much what you are clicking) why not use something like compressed text.
I built one small application that will compress and capitalize your text and will leave the spaces if you have: http:// , # or @.
Twitter Compressor (beta)
About Me <<<
Name: Vladimir Carrer
vladocar [at] gmail.com
Location: Verona, Italy
I'm a web designer, developer, teacher, speaker, generally web addicted ...
My projects <<<
- AI Prompt Directory
- Hand Drawn Icons
- Font Design Inspiration
- Font Pairings
- Free SVG Cut File
- Upcoming NFT projects
- Discord Tutorials
- Free Sublimation Designs
- Tech Feed
- MySQL Lite Administrator
- Quark Mini PHP CMS
- Formy - CSS Form Framework
- Emastic - CSS Framework
- Malo - CSS Library
- The Golden Grid
- 1 line CSS Grid Framework
- Two Lines CSS Framework
- Child Selector System - CSS Framework
- Better Web Readability Project
- Azbuka - CSS Typographical Base Rendering Library
- ClipR - bookmarklet for better reading
- CSS3 Action Framework
- CSS Mini Reset
- HTML5 Mini Template
- CSS Mobile Reset
- picoCSS - JavaScript Framework
- HTML Lorem Ipsum Crash Test
- Object Auto Documentation - JavaScript
- o - JS Library for Object Manipulation
- Foxy - CSS Framework
- Tumblr Free Theme - Better Readability Project
- Box - CSS Framework
- nanoJS - Minimal JS DOM Library
- Flexy CSS Framework
- Katana is CSS Layout System made with Flexbox
- Micro CSS Reset
- 60 Grid System
- Simple CSS Button
- ramd.js JavaScript library for making web applications.
- Minimal Notes web app build with Vue.js
- Scribble Font for Prototyping & Wireframing
- Flex One - 1 CSS Class System
- Floaty - CSS Float Based Layout System
- Infinity CSS Grid
- CLI Convert websites into readable PDFs
- keywords-extract - CLI tool, extract keywords from any web page.
- screenshoteer - Make website screenshots and mobile emulations from the command line.
- Basic.css - Classless CSS Starter File
§§Previous Posts <<<
- GPT-3 and CSS Frameworks
- Don’t use CSS Reset use CSS Set
- One Page 2020 Calendar Print Version
- 3 CLI tools based on Node.js
- Scribble Font for Prototyping & Wireframing
- ramd.js - Small JavaScript library for making TODO...
- Katana.scss - CSS Layout System made with Flexbox
- Flexy CSS Framework
- nanoJS - JavaScript for DOM manipulation
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