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The Golden Grid PSD Template

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 { 7 Comments }

If Emastic is my technically preferred CSS Framework The Golden Grid is my elegant pride and joy.

Recently I stumbled upon this Blog post that gives free PSD Template for The Golden Grid. Elegant and simple 20kb zip solution. I’m always super happy when I see that people are contributing and sharing things . Thank you Altzgamer.

I also had some unfinished PSD Template for The Golden Grid . I find some free time to complete it.

There it is:

You will find all the grids and recommended image ratio.

If you are not familiar to The Golden Grid here are some thing that this CSS Framework offers:
Download Photoshop Golden Grid PSD Template

WikiReader – bookmarklet for Wikipedia reading

Thursday, February 04, 2010 { 2 Comments }

Probably there is no day that I don’t consult Wikipedia site. I think that we all frequently visit Wikipedia site and enjoy reading its content.

I wanted to create Kindle like reading experience for Wikipedia reading directly from your browser.
There are already two great bookmarklets who are doing great job at this Readability and Readable. The problem is they are optimized for every site not for Wikipedia.

So I liked to build Wikipedia only reader.

Here is an example.

Wikipedia before:


How I did the bookmarklet?

I took Wikipedia CSS file for web printing and I made some changes and then I used this tool to make the bookmarklet . Pretty easy :)

What I changed inside print CSS style?

Bigger font. Black for the text. Gray for the links. Serif. Georgia. Bigger leading.

With few words Big Georgia font probably means super readable text.

I don’t want to bother with my design decision or typography decision if you want to find more about opinion about web typography browse these articles:

Serif vs. sans-serif legibility
How we read on web and how can we improve that
Azbuka - CSS Typographical Base Rendering Library

>> DOWNLOAD WikiReader bookmarklet <<

(Works in Firefox and Chrome in Safari 4.04 brakes for some reason does not work for IE)

How to use the bookmarklet? It is super easy after you Drag & Drop the link to your browser bookmark toolbar go to some Wikipedia article and click the button(bookmark).

If you still don't know what is bookmarklet and how they work here is Wikipedia article about bookmarklets.

Enjoy your Wikipedia reading.

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Name: Vladimir Carrer
vladocar [at] gmail.com
Location: Verona, Italy
I'm a web designer, developer, teacher, speaker, generally web addicted ...

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